Monday, March 21, 2011

Bikram Yoga College of Philadelphia: Review

I was unable to make it to my fifth day because I have so much homework (it takes a 4 hour chunk out of the day to go there, come back and do the yoga). But I have a moment to blog, so I wanted to provide a review on my experience there.

-My favorite teachers were Leo and Sandy. I strongly suggest trying to get Leo if you are new, he is very kind and encouraging.
-The same 26 pose sequence is done in every class so no matter what level you are you can do any of them, with slight modifications in the poses if you are a beginner. Also, you can memorize these poses for home practice.
-The nice sweat that you work up. Your skin looks so good afterwards, and long-time Bikram yogis were practically glowing!
-The studio sticks to the Bikram standards, but outside events including First Friday Kirtan are still available.
-There are classes offered all day from 6am to 7:30pm so you can fit yoga in at anytime and you always get a full hour and a half.
-A nice student discount! Thank you for respecting the empty pockets of broke college students like myself.
-It feels more like a workout and does not incorporate any of the relaxing or spiritual components that yoga is known for.
-Some of the more advanced students seem very into themselves and their personal fitness. They don't seem to socialize or relax before class starts. They come in and start doing all these ridiculous looking stretches and stare at themselves.
-I don't like that some of the instructors push you harder. I feel you should do it when you are ready or they should guide you into it, not verbally command you to bend, pull, or hold more.

Memorable Moments:
-Seeing a pregnant woman outbalance all the other students in the class. Definitely inspirational.

Would I go to Bikram again? Yes! However, before I settle into one studio, I'd like to visit one or two more.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Days 3 and 4

I was filled with excitement at the start of my day. It was my first time shadowing an equine veterinarian (or any veterinarian for that matter). However, without going in to detail, the day was somewhat of a disaster. My driving skills are terrible (I've never driven a truck before) and I nearly wasted all of her vaccines because I didn't understand how to get it all in the needle. Maybe I was being hard on myself because I was new, but things didn't get any better as the day went on. In short, I ran out of trigonometry class crying because I had studied all night for a quiz and somehow bombed it yet again. After the teacher gave me a you're retarded" look I crumbled.

Day 3- Friday
Unfortunately, I let my negativity carry over to yoga class. I felt like I was in the hottest spot in the room. The instructor was good at giving directions but I was in so much pain I felt like I was dieing. For the second time in a row, I couldn't make it past camel pose without feeling like I wanted to quit. It just sucked. I basically said, "I'm not doing this anymore", which is exactly what I said the night before about veterinary school after I failed my quiz. Then, I realized, at this rate I will have accomplished nothing. I can't get in shape or learn anything from yoga if I don't do it. And I will regret it my whole life if I don't see this veterinary thing through until the end, to so I decided to stop blubbering and get over it. (Much easier said than done, by the way.)

Day 4- Saturday
Saturday was much more of a success! The instructor was a very soothing and calm lady, which I liked. This class was held in the "big room" upstairs, and I was lucky enough to grab a cool spot next to the cracked door, which lets in a little breeze. (Hey, it's not cheating! It was still hot!) I felt so calm and happy doing all of my poses. My goal for Saturday was to 1) Finish all the poses and 2) Not take a nap that day. I managed both and I felt great. I even had a little energy spurt at the end of the day. I noticed that I'm getting better and better at balancing and my legs are getting stronger! I got help from the teacher on alignment even though it was such a big class and I really liked that. I wanted to take class again with her today, but I had too many random things to do throughout the day.

Tomorrow is my last day on my new student pass. I want to provide a review of this yoga studio after the whole experience. My current mission is finding a new job and I plan on applying to many places tonight.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 1 and Day 2

Bikram Yoga- Day 1 and Day 2
This week is spring break. My original plans were to go to North Jersey and visit with my college friends, but I didn’t have enough money. All I had was the $20 my mother gave me for finding our lost dog, and $20 left in my account.

So I put $20 on my Patco card (the Patco is the suburban train we New Jersey people take into Philadelphia), and invested $20 in an intro week of yoga classes at Bikram Yoga College of Philadelphia.

Day 1
On Monday, I nervously entered the studio which is located on the third floor of the building. The work-study student at the front desk was incredibly friendly. He helped me register and gave me some great tips on starting my first week.

The teacher was incredibly nice and simply asked me to stay in the room the whole time. He was loud, animated, and energetic. He said I could just watch some poses or try any of them, but if I felt tired I should sit down and rest.

Bikram yoga is a series of 26 poses (or asanas) performed in a room heated to 105 degrees! I was very, very scared about this, thinking that I would run out screaming. However, I found the class to be exciting and fun. I found the heat to be relaxing and not irritating, but the poses are definitely challenging. The class starts with breathing exercises, then proceeds to standing and balancing poses. When those are done, you lie down in savasana and then do ground poses.

In the end, I was just proud that I stuck through the whole class. The instructor was very helpful and encouraging, and in the end everyone clapped for me as a new student. Even though I knew this was the custom, I still made me feel very good.

Day 2
My second day, which was this morning, wasn’t as much of a success. There was one new student in front of me. A few students also seemed like beginners but there were many advanced students in the room as well. It seemed like the teacher was more focused/interested in working with them. I felt she was pushing us very hard. I think I would appreciate being pushed as an advanced student trying to improve my form.

However, I wasn't appreciating it today. There were several moments where I wanted to stop and cry. I was too tired to do all of the poses and had to rest frequently on my mat. The balancing poses make me feel like an idiot because i can barely balance for a few seconds without wobbling and falling out. My official "most hated pose" is locust pose (salabhasana), in which you place your arms and elbows underneath your body, palms down, and lift up one leg after the other. The image of my flabby, flopping body squirming around with my butt in the air and my face red as a tomato with sweat droplets rolling down it will be forever burned in my mind.

Something about seeing myself sitting there pathetically and in pain didn't discourage me, but made me realize how out of shape and lazy I am. I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but that's what motivates me the most.

In the end, the teacher completely forgot to have us clap for the new class member (as is custom) and I found myself curious of her experience. Afterwards, we talked in the locker room and she seemed to feel as frustrated as I was. We got some wonderful words of encouragement from the other ladies who have been practicing for years. One of the students from my first class even welcomed me back when she saw me in the studio. Tomorrow I take a rest from yoga and spend some time shadowing an equine vet. My hopes are that my third day of yoga goes a lot smoother.

An Introduction to Me

As one who enjoys writing, blogging is a practice I've often tried but never stuck with. So to begin with, that's what this blog is about- trying to stick with a practice and stay on a path that can lead to a better, happier me. In America we are accustomed to doing things for monetary gain. For example, as a child I enjoyed writing and did it purely for fun. However, as I got older I kept hearing from people how hard it was to get published and that you would have to be a "starving artist" unless you became successful as someone like J.K. Rowling or Neil Gaiman. And so I started to become more critical of what I wrote- not to improve for my own benefit, but comparing myself to other writers. Eventually, writing was no longer fun any more and I only did it for class assignments.
Because I am in my twenties and recently graduated from college, I've spent my last couple of years trying to erase this type of thinking from my mind and try things just for fun. I took creative writing class(and am in my second one now), painting, sculpting, fashion design classes which improved my sewing skills, and finally, an introductory yoga class. A little less than a year later, I am beginning again with hopes to start practicing yoga for the rest of my life.

Where I am At Now
I am twenty two-years old. After four years of studying psychology, I realized that I didn’t want to do it at all. I decided upon returning home I would pursue my childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian because of my love for animals and desire to help them. I am a part-time student and work part-time at a retail store. I’m studying all of the classes required for entrance to veterinary school.

Why Yoga?
I could do an entire basic paragraph on all of the aspects of yoga and what it does, but anyone could read that in a book or on a website. Instead, a list will do.
1) I am out of shape and unhealthy. I’m not obese; I believe I have a normal BMI. Thanks to good genetics (thanks Dad!) I’ve been getting away with eating junk food every day without turning into a whale, but I get a frequent warning from my parents that it will backfire one day. I have to take a nap almost every day in the afternoon because I am too tired to function normally.
2) I’m constantly stressed out and nervous. I have anxiety disorder. I take expensive medicine that does nothing but make me thirsty, sleepy, and sweaty, which is what it’s supposed to be helping with, not adding to it!
3) I dig the spirituality of yoga; especially Bhakti yoga (devotion to God). I am a spiritual person and I believe in God. I was raised in protestant churches, but there are a lot of ideas in church that I do not agree with. I also respect other religions and believe there is a lot to be learned from them, something that Christian churches often don’t encourage.
Yoga has been used as a tool for good health, calming your demeanor and attaining happiness. It also has been used as a tool for meditation and getting closer to God. I am helping it will help me with all of these things.

The Challenges That Face Me
1) Yoga costs money. Typically $100+ a month. Money is currently my biggest problem, as I often have a hard time finding the money to pay for college books and gas.
2) Studying is killer. Organic chemisty, Calculus, Physics- these are the classes ahead in my future. As someone who’d rather write a ten page research paper or story then do a simple math problem, I have to devote a lot of time to studying ahead.
3) Finding time is hard. Adding on to the studying idea, I work and go to school. Can I fit a daily yoga schedule in there?
4) I am out of shape! Everyone starts this way, but as someone whose idea of a workout is the two hours it takes to straighten my hair (Hey! It’s hard!), I have a long way to go before I am fit.

And so I look forward to the journey ahead, hoping to learn much in my experiences!