Monday, March 21, 2011

Bikram Yoga College of Philadelphia: Review

I was unable to make it to my fifth day because I have so much homework (it takes a 4 hour chunk out of the day to go there, come back and do the yoga). But I have a moment to blog, so I wanted to provide a review on my experience there.

-My favorite teachers were Leo and Sandy. I strongly suggest trying to get Leo if you are new, he is very kind and encouraging.
-The same 26 pose sequence is done in every class so no matter what level you are you can do any of them, with slight modifications in the poses if you are a beginner. Also, you can memorize these poses for home practice.
-The nice sweat that you work up. Your skin looks so good afterwards, and long-time Bikram yogis were practically glowing!
-The studio sticks to the Bikram standards, but outside events including First Friday Kirtan are still available.
-There are classes offered all day from 6am to 7:30pm so you can fit yoga in at anytime and you always get a full hour and a half.
-A nice student discount! Thank you for respecting the empty pockets of broke college students like myself.
-It feels more like a workout and does not incorporate any of the relaxing or spiritual components that yoga is known for.
-Some of the more advanced students seem very into themselves and their personal fitness. They don't seem to socialize or relax before class starts. They come in and start doing all these ridiculous looking stretches and stare at themselves.
-I don't like that some of the instructors push you harder. I feel you should do it when you are ready or they should guide you into it, not verbally command you to bend, pull, or hold more.

Memorable Moments:
-Seeing a pregnant woman outbalance all the other students in the class. Definitely inspirational.

Would I go to Bikram again? Yes! However, before I settle into one studio, I'd like to visit one or two more.

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