Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An Introduction to Me

As one who enjoys writing, blogging is a practice I've often tried but never stuck with. So to begin with, that's what this blog is about- trying to stick with a practice and stay on a path that can lead to a better, happier me. In America we are accustomed to doing things for monetary gain. For example, as a child I enjoyed writing and did it purely for fun. However, as I got older I kept hearing from people how hard it was to get published and that you would have to be a "starving artist" unless you became successful as someone like J.K. Rowling or Neil Gaiman. And so I started to become more critical of what I wrote- not to improve for my own benefit, but comparing myself to other writers. Eventually, writing was no longer fun any more and I only did it for class assignments.
Because I am in my twenties and recently graduated from college, I've spent my last couple of years trying to erase this type of thinking from my mind and try things just for fun. I took creative writing class(and am in my second one now), painting, sculpting, fashion design classes which improved my sewing skills, and finally, an introductory yoga class. A little less than a year later, I am beginning again with hopes to start practicing yoga for the rest of my life.

Where I am At Now
I am twenty two-years old. After four years of studying psychology, I realized that I didn’t want to do it at all. I decided upon returning home I would pursue my childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian because of my love for animals and desire to help them. I am a part-time student and work part-time at a retail store. I’m studying all of the classes required for entrance to veterinary school.

Why Yoga?
I could do an entire basic paragraph on all of the aspects of yoga and what it does, but anyone could read that in a book or on a website. Instead, a list will do.
1) I am out of shape and unhealthy. I’m not obese; I believe I have a normal BMI. Thanks to good genetics (thanks Dad!) I’ve been getting away with eating junk food every day without turning into a whale, but I get a frequent warning from my parents that it will backfire one day. I have to take a nap almost every day in the afternoon because I am too tired to function normally.
2) I’m constantly stressed out and nervous. I have anxiety disorder. I take expensive medicine that does nothing but make me thirsty, sleepy, and sweaty, which is what it’s supposed to be helping with, not adding to it!
3) I dig the spirituality of yoga; especially Bhakti yoga (devotion to God). I am a spiritual person and I believe in God. I was raised in protestant churches, but there are a lot of ideas in church that I do not agree with. I also respect other religions and believe there is a lot to be learned from them, something that Christian churches often don’t encourage.
Yoga has been used as a tool for good health, calming your demeanor and attaining happiness. It also has been used as a tool for meditation and getting closer to God. I am helping it will help me with all of these things.

The Challenges That Face Me
1) Yoga costs money. Typically $100+ a month. Money is currently my biggest problem, as I often have a hard time finding the money to pay for college books and gas.
2) Studying is killer. Organic chemisty, Calculus, Physics- these are the classes ahead in my future. As someone who’d rather write a ten page research paper or story then do a simple math problem, I have to devote a lot of time to studying ahead.
3) Finding time is hard. Adding on to the studying idea, I work and go to school. Can I fit a daily yoga schedule in there?
4) I am out of shape! Everyone starts this way, but as someone whose idea of a workout is the two hours it takes to straighten my hair (Hey! It’s hard!), I have a long way to go before I am fit.

And so I look forward to the journey ahead, hoping to learn much in my experiences!

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